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Celebrating our favourite video games on #nationalvideogamesday

September 12th is National Video Games Day, so it felt like the perfect excuse for us to talk about and share some of our favourite games. We asked the team to think about games that had an impact on them, could be recent experiences or something from a long time ago.
Bad Rats
"What else can I say - Bad Rats."
Elite (BBC Micro)
“During my first year University in 1984 I realised I was wasting too much time playing Elite on my BBC Micro, so I decided to have one last overnight session before kicking the habit. I progressed as far as I could, and in the morning destroyed the C15 tape cassette that the game was stored on.”
Final Fantasy X (Playstation 2)
"Definitely a formative experience in my childhood, I sunk way too many hours into this game and bonded over it with my brothers and cousins. To my childhood self, everything about it was epic: the dramatic (okay, maybe a little melodramatic) high-stakes and emotionally-touching story, an immersive world with cool visual designs, the gorgeous cutscenes, the beautiful music, the fluid and fun turn-based gameplay, and the little tucked-away secrets to find. It kicked off my love for RPGs, and video games in general."
Horizon Zero Dawn (Playstation 4)
“This made me fall in love with gaming again after years of staleness and cynicism. A strong female protagonist, sensible difficulty curve that encouraged players to find unique strategies / tactics for battles, a really well-written story that didn't require massive suspension of belief, and of course absolutely incredible visuals and audio.”
Minecraft (PC)
"I got in during Survival Test in 2009, and this game absolutely consumed my childhood. I ran back the numbers and determined I passed 10,000 hours of playtime somewhere in 2016. This was the first game I properly learned how to play, and learning to mod it was where I learned how to write code. Now I'm an engineer, and I credit Minecraft for setting me on this course."
Persona 4 (Playstation 2)
"This game will always have a special place in my heart. I think above all else the story and characters really resonated with my teenage self. The game-play itself was also a treat. I remember it being much more tactical and challenging than similar turn based RPGs I'd played around the time."
Resident Evil 4 VR (Oculus)
"I love horror. I also love survival. I also also love a good challenge + a thing that demonstrates skill! = Resident Evil 4 VR. Picture this: You are in a garden maze. You hear the howling of dogs from multiple directions, but you cannot tell which path the dogs will take to get to you. You are anxiously and quickly checking the paths all around you that are leading to you. When all of a sudden a dog leaps OVER one of the maze walls and attacks you with its long, slimy zombie tentacles that have burst open its back and are two to three metres in length. TERRIFYING, UNEXPECTED... AWESOME!!!"
Resident Evil 8: Village (PC)
“Playing Resident Evil 8: Village during Christmas with my family was an unforgettable and thrilling experience. What made it so special was the fact that we all took turns, eagerly watching each other's progress and sharing strategies in this horror game. The game's setting, inspired by Romanian folklore and culture, added a personal touch that resonated with us, making the experience even more immersive. RE8 Village not only gave us a spine-tingling adventure but also highlighted how games can bring people together, creating lasting holiday memories.”
Sensible Soccer (Commodore Amiga)
“I can’t possibly begin to count the number of days my friend and I spent playing this or the number of joysticks we broke doing so. A world away from modern football franchises like EA FC or FIFA but so many happy teenage memories. I reckon that if I played it now I could still curl one in the top corner from out on the wing.”
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Mega Drive)
"This was my very first experience of video games, played on a Sega Mega Drive handed down from my uncle who had moved on to another console. I was pretty terrible to start with but my cousin taught me how to play. I've played many video games since but every console I've ever had I've gone back to Sonic."
System Shock (1994), (PC)
“Back in 1994, things like control interfaces were still being worked out, and this one was a nightmare, so me and my brother played it together, him on the keyboard, me on the mouse. Super atmospheric. It was, I think, the first game to do audio logs. Created "Immersive Sim" as a genre, to be followed up by classics like Deus Ex and Dishonoured. Good times.”
Team Fortress 2 (PC)
"I played a lot of Team Fortress 2. It convinced me to save up for my first gaming PC, and I spent many many hours playing it and met a bunch of people through it, including my oldest friend, who I still talk to. It also helped me get interested in a lot of things like game design, 3D modelling, video editing, etc. It was also my first experience I remember being competitive, and forming/leading teams.”